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Countries Where Plastic Bags Prohibited

Countries Where Plastic Bags Prohibited
Countries Where Plastic Bags Prohibited


The plastic bag was developed in 1961 by Swedish Sten Gustav Thulin. The plastic bag was patented by Celloplast, Sten Gustav Thulin’s own company.

Sten Gustav Thulin

While developing the bag, Thulin’s aim is to store fast-consuming foods for a long time and to produce a practical, light, inadequate, durable bag. He decided that the most suitable material to make this bag was plastic. He defined the first bags he produced as ‘T-Shirt Bags’. The reason for this was that the product looked like a shirt with cut sleeves.

Celloplast has opened factories in many parts of Europe and America. Plastic bags were becoming more and more common. The number of plastic bags used in the 1970s reached 760 million.

Thanks to the logos embroidered on the plastic bag, it has become an effective advertising tool circulating among the public. When grocery chains in the US realized the potential of plastic bags, they started to encourage the use of plastic bags

Today, 1 trillion plastic bags are used annually in the world. Plastic bags, which are thrown away due to their structures, remain in nature for centuries without deterioration, creating a continuous nature pollution.

Yükleniyor: 1654427/1654427 bayt yüklendi.

In the world, many governments are drafting new laws to reduce the pollution caused by plastic bags. For the first time in the world, the use of plastic bags was banned by Bangladesh in 2002 because it blocked water channels.Today, the use of plastic bags is prohibited in 32 countries and most of these countries are African countries.

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